I found a hedgehog - what now?

27 November 2023 — by Katrin Rahn  

Does this sound familiar? It's an autumn evening and you're sitting comfortably on the terrace. Suddenly, you hear some noises: It rustles and rumbles and smacks. They're coming from the direction of the hedge. Armed with a flashlight, you go to find out – and there it is, a hedgehog in search of food. Irritated by the sudden light, it curls up into a spiky ball. Hedgehogs are not only cute to look at, they are also real helpers in the garden when it comes to keeping snails and insects at bay. Does the hedgehog need help? We explain what you can do if you find a hedgehog during the cold season.

Hedgehogs live for around five to seven years in the wild. On average, female hedgehogs have offspring once a year. The young are born in spring. A hedgehog family then often consists of three to seven young. If you are lucky, you may discover small hedgehog families in your garden in spring or summer. At the end of September, the young hedgehogs leave their mother and set off in search of their own territory. Autumn not only heralds the end of summer, but also marks a critical phase in the lives of the young hedgehogs.

If they do not weigh enough at this time to survive the coming winter and go into hibernation, they must continue to search for food. However, snails and insects are often no longer available at this time. When the first night frosts come, it is often life-threatening for hedgehogs - they are in danger of freezing to death.

How can I turn my garden into a hedgehog habitat?

Hedgehogs need a cozy place to survive the winter. Here's how you can make a hedgehog's garden cozy:

Build a hedgehog hotel

You can build a pile of leaves, twigs and wood waste. This will make a cozy shelter for hedgehogs during the cold months. Make sure you leave enough space for them and that the pile is not fully pressed. Hedgehogs like it airy.

Provide food

Hedgehogs are not fussy eaters, but they do love cat food, especially if it's wet cat food. So you can place a small portion of cat food in the garden from time to time. But be careful, no milk - hedgehogs are lactose intolerant!

Hedgehog-friendly garden

Turn your garden into a hedgehog paradise by creating paths for them. Leave small gaps or passages in fences and hedges so they can get in and out easily.

Leave leaves lying around

Leave the leaves lying around in the fall. Hedgehogs like to use them to build their winter homes. A pile of leaves is like a five-star hotel for them!

No poison!

Avoid using poisonous pesticides in your garden. These can poison hedgehogs when they are hunting insects.

**Ouch! It's best to wear gloves when you pick up a hedgehog. It is not uncommon for us humans to drop the hedgehogs as they curl up in our hands giving us the spiky treatment.

Hedgehog found in winter?

If you find a hedgehog out and about in winter, there are a few steps you can take to help it. First, observe the hedgehog's condition. If the hedgehog looks very small, catch it carefully and weigh it. If it weighs less than 600 grams, it needs help. Especially if there are already night frosts. Adult hedgehogs that are active during the day in winter and look very thin or are injured often also need help. Hedgehogs usually have endo- and ectoparasites, i.e. fleas, ticks and worms. A visit to the vet and doing the treatment they prescribe is essential.

It's clear that the hedgehog won't make it through the winter on its own and you want to bring it into your home? After a visit to the vet and the appropriate treatment, of course.

  • If you want the hedgehog to spend the winter in your house, you will need a suitably large enclosure. The enclosure should be at least 1.5 to 2 square meters in size. It should be lined with newspaper.
  • Hedgehogs must be able to run. It is best to place a cardboard box filled with newspaper or leaves in the enclosure, where the hedgehog can retreat during the day.
  • Hedgehogs are nocturnal. Choose a location for the enclosure in a way that makes sure their nocturnal activities does not keep the whole family awake. Let it rest during the day. It is best to clean the enclosure in the evening. The best feeding time is also early evening.
  • Hedgehogs in hibernation are happy with water and cat food or special hedgehog food. Please never give them milk, as hedgehogs are lactose intolerant and milk can cause them diarrhea.
  • Weigh the hedgehog once a week to keep a check on its weight.
  • It is important that you do not simply take a found hedgehog into a warm room, as abrupt changes in temperature can be harmful. Hedgehogs hibernate best in a cool, quiet room.
  • If all factors are perfect, hedgehogs often hibernate. So don't worry if the hedgehog doesn't touch the food and water. If its general condition was good beforehand, it will simply sleep. Do not disturb it. Not even to check its weight. You will hear it when it is awake again.